How to remove kidney stones

Do you believe if I said that the kidney stones can be removed by the help of se.x? You may never believe if your doctor advised you to have se.x three times per week as a treatment for kidney stones. It has been confirmed by the researchers at the University of Ankara, having se.x three times per week is more effective in getting rid of kidney stones?

There were 75 of participants who had kidney stones. First, doctors divided those patients into three groups and recommended different treatment for each group.  The first group was ordered to have se.x three times per week, and the second group was treated with 0.4 mg of Tamsulosin. Finally, they recommend drinking extra water and painkillers for the last group.

In the end, they got the results and researchers were shocked. They never believe this would happen. As a result of the research, it has been proved that having se.x three times per week is more effective than other medications and clinically treatments.
