Super Heroes are not only in the movies. There is a group of people who have super powers in real life. In this video, we hope to inform you ten super powers that monks have in real life.
These monks have enough strength to do push ups using only two fingers. In addition, there are some monks who can stand in one finger.
Every superhero has a fearless mind. These monks also have a fearless mind. Look at this monk, he can even stay in a fire and a boiling oil pot.
When you combine speed and balance together you can do many amazing this. You can run through the walls like Shaolin monks.
Super Heroes are not only in the movies. There is a group of people who have super powers in real life. In this video, we hope to inform you ten super powers that monks have in real life.
These monks have enough strength to do push ups using only two fingers. In addition, there are some monks who can stand in one finger.
Every superhero has a fearless mind. These monks also have a fearless mind. Look at this monk, he can even stay in a fire and a boiling oil pot.
When you combine speed and balance together you can do many amazing this. You can run through the walls like Shaolin monks.
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